Enrolment Form for Music Lessons

           Please fill in the Lesson Enrolment Form below

 if you are interested in learning the flute, recorder, piano or keyboard.

                       I will be in touch as soon as possible.

   For more information or questions  Contact Me Here.

If different to student name eg a parent of a child
This is very useful for quick contact.
Usually I teach by the school term in-person but can do holiday lessons. I can also do a set number of lessons as desired.
I teach at my home and at some schools and online. Indicate where lessons are to be held. Name school in comments below if at a school.
For Home lessons I will fill up Monday to Thursday first. Lessons at a school will have a set day.
This is to give an indication for lesson type
Let me know your experience eg number of years or level if not a beginner. And mention any books, pieces you have played or currently on.
If you don't have any music.
You can make a comment on this in the Comments section below.
Let me know anything useful to help with the lessons eg learning style, music of interest to learn and play, food allergies ( in case of a food type reward ) or other allergies ( hand sanitiser )